Absolute Appraisals & Consulting Inc. is a certified appraisal company which provides Appraisal Institute of Canada(AIC) appraisals on all types of Machinery & Equipment.
Appraisals Meet International Valuation Standards
Absolute Appraisals & Consulting Inc. is a certified appraisal company which provides Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC) appraisals on all types of Machinery & Equipment.
Absolute Appraisals & Consulting Inc. is an appraisal company which provides appraisals on all types of Machinery & Equipment. Arlene Blake is an accredited member (AM) Machinery & Technical Specialty appraiser with the American Society of Appraisers.
Appraisals For:
Absolute Appraisals & Consulting Inc can assist you in various Machinery & Equipment appraisals including:
- Individual assets
- Personal property
- Heavy equipment
- Agricultural equipment
- Forestry equipment
- Automotive equipment
- Material Handling and Lift Equipment
- Metal Fabrication
- Industrial Equipment
- Production And Manufacturing Equipment
- Food Processing Equipment
- Restaurant Equipment
- Process Piping
- Specialty Plant Equipment
- Inventory Valuation
Reasons For Appraisals:
Our machinery and equipment appraisals are used to assist with:
- Lender financing
- Determination of purchase price
- Allocation of purchase price
- Insurance loss assessments
- Liquidations,
- Insurance purposes
- Leasing
- Corporate decision making and internal management considerations
- Taxation
- Estate purposes

The Appraisal Process:
We understand the appraisal process and the need for confidentiality. We work with you through the entire appraisal process starting with discussions to determine the correct approaches to and definition of value for you situation. All of our appraisal reports are customized to fit your needs. Our appraisals can contain a current or retrospective date of valuation and fall under any of the following definitions of values including Fair Market Value – In Continued Use, Fair Market Value – Installed, Fair Market Value (FMV), Orderly Liquidation Value (OLV), Forced Liquidation Value (FLV), Insurance values including Insurance Value Depreciated, Actual Cash Value (ACV) and Replacement Cost New (RCN).
What We Provide:
Utilizing Absolute Appraisals & Consulting Inc. provides you with assurance of the following:
- The appraiser will provide a truly unbiased opinion of the value of the asset or assets being valued
- The appraiser is performing an independent consulting project or valuation
- The appraiser is performing the valuation or consulting project in an ethical and competent manner
- Confidentiality will be maintained
- The report produced and the values concluded will be adequately detailed for the stated purpose, will be reliable and accurate, and will not be misleading
- The appraiser is not being compensated based on the value concluded
- Due to the continual education requirements, the appraiser is keeping up to date with the latest valuation techniques and processes
- The appraiser will consider all of the relevant approaches to value and will use the appropriate approach for the valuation of the asset or assets
- The appropriate market place and highest and best use of the asset or assets will be considered